Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Lot to Learn!

Here are some things I've learned:

* Pubs are used as landmarks and references when you are given directions to any place.

* Streets aren't marked on every corner and intersection like in the US--names of streets are on signs
   low to the ground and you have to really look for them.  And I'm not even certain that people really
   know the names of streets.  When given directions (either by strangers or new acquaintances), I'm
   told to follow the "MAIN ROAD" (along with a pub reference).  Well for two days I looked for a
   street called "Main Road" or Main Street", only to realize that it doesn't exist; they're talking
   about THE main road, otherwise known as Stream Road, a name I've never once heard uttered but discovered on a sign during a walk.

* Caravanning is going on holiday with or in a "caravan" (what we would call trailer or RV).  There are
   "static" caravans that are stationary trailer homes people keep at the shore or whever one's favorite   
   holiday getaway spot happens to be, and mobile caravans (I think that's the correct name) that move.
   Never heard the word caravan so much in my life!  Apparently everyone does it!  I would if I lived

* The shouting to each other of the construction workers outside my kitchen window is not quite so
   annoying with the English accents!

* You must pay £1 (roughly $1.60) for shopping carts at grocery stores.  The carts are chained together.
   You simply slip your pound coin into a slot on the cart's handle, and the chain releases.  You get your
   pound back when you are finished with cart.

* One grocery store I went to had parking spaces reserved for "mothers with toddlers".  Sweet!

* Nescafe instant coffee isn't half bad!

* Cookies are called biscuits; potato chips are called crisps.

* It's important to know which way cars are coming from when crossing the street.  A couple of times
   I was almost a big ol' American splat on the road (the MAIN road) when I really had to take a
   second to get my bearings as to the direction from which the cars were coming at me!

* how to text . . . never done it before . . . was waiting for technology to come up with cell phone
   (called a "mobile" here) that can just read and transmit your thoughts . . . looks like I'm gonna
   have to keep practicing texting.

I took a lovely walk to Kingswinford today, finally finding my way to that first grocery store my friend Nigel took me to that I couldn't find my way back to for two days!  Victory!  Just went in to pick up a couple of things, but mainly wanted to know I could get there--only took 15 minutes. I struck up a conversation with the nicest lady who is a retired teacher.  Her name is Dink.  (I love it!) Her sister, Brenda, came along and the two of them gave me their numbers with an offer of help and friendship.  Amazing how friendly strangers are here!!  I spent some time strolling around the village and stopped at a little coffee shop and sat outside and had afternoon tea.  (Oh, who am I kidding--coffee, I had coffee.) 

I am writing this now, avoiding the task of learning how to operate the washing machine/dryer combo.  I suppose now is as good a time as any.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Dedra, you are a fantastic writer! Really good. We are enjoying your Blog so much! Love, Mark and Carol in America.
